Post for Velasquez-Manoff

Post for Velasquez-Manoff

Perceiving categorization can have many different perspectives especially towards the topic about race. Monoff includes her own perspective on how race is seen differently and how that can effect how people from all cultures view each other. In the essay, “Want to Be Less Racist? Move to Hawaii,” by Moises Velasquez-Monoff explain how race is seen differently in Hawaii from the United States. Monoff states that,” in Hawaii, the children, including those who were white, tended not to express the same essentialist ideas about race. They were not race-blind…. But they did not attribute to race in inherent qualities” aggression or book smarts.” Kids in Hawaii tend to see race as inherited qualities as kids in the Unites Sates see race from a more stereotype point of view. This is a problem because Monoff saw this when she enrolled in a primarily white institution, Dartmouth that she was out of place and prejudice is a serious problem in the world. Not only are being being stereotypes but also categorizing the Hawaii culture and putting a name on them through the “Aloha spirit”. Monoff also includes her perspective on ethnic jokes by saying, “ethnic jokes are so common it can be jarring for people who aren’t from Hawaii.” Ultimately opinions from different people can be a problem throughout societies which leads to major problem of categorizing people and cultures in the world.

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