Post for Taylor, David.
In the article, “She’s Considered the Mother of Disability Rights…,” by David Taylor sometimes people are called different things for the way they look. In this case Judy Heumann was referred to as “able-bodied.” During the “The Daily Show”, Trevor Noah called her this because of her disability. Many people may feel the need to cover their disability so they are not referred to as able-bodies, but Heumann according to Susan Mizner is “the mother of the disability rights movement in so many ways” — an activist “who doesn’t take crap, never has.” Instead of letting people put her down she stood up for her own rights and what she believed was right. Categorizing someone for their disability is what America did to her when she was younger by not giving her the same opportunities in life. America excludes disabled people because sometime people believe they don’t have the same potential in life. This is very wrong and so this is a main reason why people why disabilities often feel the need to cover or not stand up for what is right in life.