Project 3 Reflection

Project 3 Reflection

After writing my paper and recording my podcast I think that in delivering my podcast I could be more conversational than in my paper because when you are writing a paper you have to stick to a more concrete plan to meet the requirements for that paper. As opposed to talking about you paper you can use different voice tones and ask questions related to you paper for a more authentic approach. When writing the paper I also had to include more quotes and longer explanations, but in the podcast I could be more flexible by taking some quotes out. When revising my paper I had a hard time because I wanted to keep most of the paper but I decided to keep a lot of my insights with my opinion on empathy and just take out some of the quotes I used in the paper. I learned that major revision help with keeping the major points in the paper and taking out some of less important details to get to the point of my paper. I feel better writing a paper because I do not feel as comfortable talking about my paper and I found it more difficult to present my paper in a podcast. I chose to read off my paper because when I get nervous I tend to mess up which steered me away from the more conversational approach towards presenting my paper. I honestly enjoy writing essays because I work better when I have structure and knowing what to include rather than talking about my paper on the spot without a concrete outline.

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