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Author: hslattery

Hi my name is Haley Slattery, I am an Applied Exercise Science Major at UNE.
End of Semester Reflection-12/13

End of Semester Reflection-12/13

As this semester is coming to end, I think working with Digi Space has been a very positive experience. I have learned a lot of skills and have had to jump out of my comfort zone by working with students and going into classrooms. I am slightly introverted but being able to make a positive experience on my peer’s education has been a good learning experience as well. I am still working on my project but have an idea of what I want to do so I am hoping to get that started over winter break when I have more free time. Next semester I hope to feel more comfortable in the classrooms as well.

Highlights Over the Years

Highlights Over the Years

Freshman Year XC 2021-2022

During my first year competing on the cross country team, we had a very successful season by winning the Ron Oulette Invite on September 11, 2021. This meet took place on our home course, Rotary Park, and was a 5k in distance. 7 of the girls placed in the top 7th place overall of the race, included me who placed 6th.

Women UNE XC team, 2021. David Bates Photography

On September 18th, the team competed at UMASS Dartmouth Invite, where my team placed 12th out of 30 teams. This was a 5k course and was very flat, so I got a new PR of 20:28. Shortly after these wins my team was ranked 8th and 9th Regionally for our conference. Unfortunately, we ended up placing 2nd at the Conference Championship on October 30 at Western New England. This was such a hard loss because my team worked so hard all season and had been super successful with meets leading up to conference. WE ended up losing by 2 points to Suffolk University in the 6k. I ended up scoring for the team by coming in third with a time of 26:19. A few weeks later we had to brush off this hard loss

What I Learned

What I Learned

After comparing my intake against the MYPlatePlan food group, it recommended that I should consume 2 cups of fruits, 3 cups of vegetables, 8 ounces of grains, 6.5 ounces of protein, and 3 cups of dairy. In the 2 cups of fruits it recommends that I should consume 1 cup of raw, frozen, or canned and ½ cup of dried fruit or 1 cup of fruit juice. I should consume 1 ounce of  seafood, lean meat or 1 egg or 3 tablespoons of peanut butter or ½ cup of beans to get my protein intake. For grains it recommends 1 slice of bread, 1 ounce ready-to-eat cereal, ½ cup rice, pasta, or cereal.For dairy it recommends 1 cup of dairy milk, or yogurt or 1 cup of lactose-free milk or 1.5 ounces of hard cheese .On September 8th I had a banana, but no dried or fruit juice. I had 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and deli turkey for my protein intake.I had 1 cup of carrots. To get my grains in I consumed 1 ounce of cooked brown rice. I consumed a cup of almond milk for dairy today. On September 9th I had more than the recommended amount with 1 cup of spinach,cauliflower and broccoli. I had deli turkey meat and protein powder to supplement my lack of protein. I consumed 1 ounce of brown rice for my grains. For dairy I had 1 cup of lowfat yogurt. And On September 10th I had 1 cup of spinach, tomatoes, and carrots. I had 2 eggs, some deli turkey meat. I had a banana and 1 cup of raspberries for the fruit intake.I consumed 1 ounce of brown rice to get my grains in. I consumed 1 cup of almond milk for dairy.

Ways to improve my diet would be that I would like to consume a bigger variety of protein sources because after doing this dairy I notice that my main protein sources are peanut butter and deli turkey. At night I do not have enough protein to carbohydrate ratio so I would like to dump up my protein intake at dinner. I would also like to consume more bread because for my carbohydrates I tend to lean towards pasta and brown rice so I can get a better variety. I do tend to eat a lot of fruits in vegetables throughout the day and I knew that even before doing this analysis, so by being aware that I eat over the recommended portions for fruits and vegetables it can help me to recognize that I tend to lack in the protein variety. I would like to consume cow’s milk over almond milk because based on my vitamin I am lower in Vitamin D some days, so by drinking cow’s milk that can up my Vitamin D levels.

Dietary Analysis

Dietary Analysis

I chose to look at the chocolate chip cookie dough larabar because I eat these almost daily. Larabars are relatively high in fat at 17% DV and low in sodium at 2% DV and relatively low in protein at 9% DV. I would say larabars are not nutrient dense because they are even though primarily made out of dates and nuts and are pretty calorie dense at 206 calories per bar, there is no vitamin A, C and very little Calcium at 2% and iron at 13%. Larabars are energy dense because high-energy-dense foods are foods high in fat or sugar and these bars have a pretty high fat content and 18.3 grams of sugar in them. Since these bars have a higher sugar content due to being made from dates, which is one of the highest sugar fruits, this increases its calorie content and makes it more energy dense. I would recommend larabars for daily consumption because they are less processed and have maily natural sugar( no syrups, artificial sweeteners) in them. Even though they are high in calories they do not have a high fat concentration with only 2.7 grams of saturated fats because almost all of the fat in these bars comes from nuts and coconut. 

Based on my overall diet on September 8th I had 239.9 grams or 96% of carbohydrates. I consumed 41.8 grams of fiber or 110% with 29% of it coming from the protein powder. Today I was lacking Vitamin C at 43.7 mg or 48% and Folate was at 19%. My protein was high at 108.2 grams or 92% with most of my protein coming from peanut butter at 21%. I was also very high in Calcium at 177% because I did have a lot of cheese, almond milk and yogurt throughout the day. I did have cross country practice today so I definitely should have got more of my protein just from peanut butter.

On September 9th I consumed 316.5 grams of carbohydrates or 127% with the rye bread being the highest intake of that category at 40 grams. I also consumed 88.8 grams of protein or 76% that day with my biggest protein source being the misfit’s protein bar. I was able to get a lot of calcium on that day with 1552.3 mg or 155% with the yogurt being my biggest source. I was low in Vitamin D at 34%, but very high in Folate at 300% unlike on the 8th when I was lacking Folate. This day I had four classes, practice and lift so it was harder for me to get all my meals in since I had a lot going on throughout the day. On September 10th I was lacking carbohydrates that day because I had mostly oats and protein powder that day. After looking at the data It look like I consumed a lot of protein that day at 140.5 grams or 120% and 184 grams of carbohydrates or 74%. I also consumed 74.3 grams of fats with the Vermont cheddar cheese slices being the highest grams of fats in my meals that day. I also got a lot of vitamins in minerals in my diet with the highest being iron at 316%. Vitamin A was at 534% and vitamin k was at 160%. I was low in B3 at 22% and B1 at 29% though. Today I was very busy and had a cross country meet, so I consumed more protein to make sure I would recover properly, which is why I included protein powder into my diet today.  

DigiSpace Reflection 9/16

DigiSpace Reflection 9/16

After going into a classroom visit for the first time, I noticed that it was not as intimating as I was expecting. I learned that a lot of students do not speak up for help, so you need to initiate the help for them. I thought it was challenging to find the line of when to help them as a student and the teacher innating that help. As the visit went along, I got more comfortable with helping students out and I feel like I should have helped more students with the initial log in process. I learned that a lot of students would go onto the main site to sign in instead of their site which confused them with logging in. I also noticed that a lot of students had a message pop up saying they are locked out of their account for x amount of time, but then I realized that it was because they were trying to login from the main site and not their personal site. Another common problem was that a lot of students were putting two e’s in the search engine to look for their site as well. Next time I could work on making sure everyone is signed in before the presentation gets rolling because I did not notice there were a few students not logged in at that time. Once I start getting more comfortable with working with a group of people, I will defiantly be able to keep checking in with everyone to make sure people in the class are not falling begin.

DigiSpace Reflection 9/6

DigiSpace Reflection 9/6

After the tutor training back in August I learned that you must come up with a plan before the student’s appointment. Many students might be nervous or flustered when coming in especially with working with technology, so you have to have patients with them. Also, with the technology aspect you have to make sure you are not hands on with the student’s computer because you want to teach them how to use WordPress. Technology can be a platform that many people want you to do and not show so learning how to guide students through this is very important so they can complete their profile on their own time as well. I think it is also important to come up with a general bassline plan before having an appointment with a student because you need to make sure you are being affective with the time and teaching the students certain vocabulary for WordPress.

Project 3 Reflection

Project 3 Reflection

After writing my paper and recording my podcast I think that in delivering my podcast I could be more conversational than in my paper because when you are writing a paper you have to stick to a more concrete plan to meet the requirements for that paper. As opposed to talking about you paper you can use different voice tones and ask questions related to you paper for a more authentic approach. When writing the paper I also had to include more quotes and longer explanations, but in the podcast I could be more flexible by taking some quotes out. When revising my paper I had a hard time because I wanted to keep most of the paper but I decided to keep a lot of my insights with my opinion on empathy and just take out some of the quotes I used in the paper. I learned that major revision help with keeping the major points in the paper and taking out some of less important details to get to the point of my paper. I feel better writing a paper because I do not feel as comfortable talking about my paper and I found it more difficult to present my paper in a podcast. I chose to read off my paper because when I get nervous I tend to mess up which steered me away from the more conversational approach towards presenting my paper. I honestly enjoy writing essays because I work better when I have structure and knowing what to include rather than talking about my paper on the spot without a concrete outline.
