11/30- Free write Reflection
I think by creating this eportfolio my writing has defiantly improved because it has forced me to write blog posts on the spot. This has also helped me come up with ideas quicker by doing free writes because I can let my brain work more freely instead of thinking about an ideas for longer. Sometimes doing free writes causes my writing to be sloppy though because my brain works faster than my typing so sentences do not come out correctly even though it sounds correct in my head. I have focused on the bigger picture when writing now and less on smaller details because sometimes you are limited to words or pages so it i better to get to the important information instead of including finer details that do not matter as much. I have also improved on finding evidence in the text to use because when I have to write a blog post I make sure to include evidence that can be used later on and I don’t have to waste time going back into the text.