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End of Semester Reflection-12/13

End of Semester Reflection-12/13

As this semester is coming to end, I think working with Digi Space has been a very positive experience. I have learned a lot of skills and have had to jump out of my comfort zone by working with students and going into classrooms. I am slightly introverted but being able to make a positive experience on my peer’s education has been a good learning experience as well. I am still working on my project but have an idea of what I want to do so I am hoping to get that started over winter break when I have more free time. Next semester I hope to feel more comfortable in the classrooms as well.

Project 3 Reflection

Project 3 Reflection

After writing my paper and recording my podcast I think that in delivering my podcast I could be more conversational than in my paper because when you are writing a paper you have to stick to a more concrete plan to meet the requirements for that paper. As opposed to talking about you paper you can use different voice tones and ask questions related to you paper for a more authentic approach. When writing the paper I also had to include more quotes and longer explanations, but in the podcast I could be more flexible by taking some quotes out. When revising my paper I had a hard time because I wanted to keep most of the paper but I decided to keep a lot of my insights with my opinion on empathy and just take out some of the quotes I used in the paper. I learned that major revision help with keeping the major points in the paper and taking out some of less important details to get to the point of my paper. I feel better writing a paper because I do not feel as comfortable talking about my paper and I found it more difficult to present my paper in a podcast. I chose to read off my paper because when I get nervous I tend to mess up which steered me away from the more conversational approach towards presenting my paper. I honestly enjoy writing essays because I work better when I have structure and knowing what to include rather than talking about my paper on the spot without a concrete outline.

11/30- Free write Reflection

11/30- Free write Reflection

I think by creating this eportfolio my writing has defiantly improved because it has forced me to write blog posts on the spot. This has also helped me come up with ideas quicker by doing free writes because I can let my brain work more freely instead of thinking about an ideas for longer. Sometimes doing free writes causes my writing to be sloppy though because my brain works faster than my typing so sentences do not come out correctly even though it sounds correct in my head. I have focused on the bigger picture when writing now and less on smaller details because sometimes you are limited to words or pages so it i better to get to the important information instead of including finer details that do not matter as much. I have also improved on finding evidence in the text to use because when I have to write a blog post I make sure to include evidence that can be used later on and I don’t have to waste time going back into the text.

Rewriting for Podcast Paper 3

Rewriting for Podcast Paper 3

Original: Having a complex understanding of another person means to show sincere interest in others’ feelings. Some readers may challenge this by insisting that empathy can actually hurt a person because if the person empathizing does not actually have sincere feelings it could lead the person to believe this even though they truly do not feel this inside.   But by showing interest you are letting a person know you are listening to them and care about their situation. You want to be curious, but not feel invasive into a person’s life especially if they do not want to reveal much about their life to you. It is important for not only people who are close to one another to be supportive to someone, but just in general to make sure people in this world are doing okay because it can be hard to feel alone. It is good to observe a person and pick up on their feelings so you know how to respond to them in a situation from time to time. Not everyone can relate to one another, but if you are just there for support it can help a person not feel alone while dealing with a complex situation. (202)

Rewrite: A complex undertanding of someone means to show sincere interest in others’ feelings. Some readers challenge this by saying empathy can hurt a person, but by showing genuine empathy you are actually letting that person know you care about them. It is important to be curious but not invasive because you want to make sure the person is okay. It is also good to observe and pick up on people’s feelings because not everyone can relate to each other when expressing emotions. By doing this you are letting the person know they are not alone while dealing with a complex situation.

Online Assignment

Online Assignment

  1. I chose my interviewee because I wanted to interview someone older than me because last time I interviewed my friend who is around the same age as me. The audience should know that my interviewee is my Mother.
  2. My interview questions relate to paper three because my paper is about empathy and how we can make our undertanding of other people’s feelings more effective by reserving out judgment while showing genuine empathy. 1. What does empathy mean to you? 2. Do you think it is easier to understand a person’s situation when you have a more open mind about them? 3. Do you think having an open mind helps you see a person from a different perspective? 4. Have you ever been in a situation where you want to emphasize with someone but feel like you can’t because you do not relate to their situation? 5. Do you think it is important to emphasize with other people? 6. Have you ever had a perspective on someone that was based on a small aspect of their life? 7. So do you think that people who are more genuine when empathizing have a greater impact?
  3. I decided to ask interview questions pretty scattered throughout my paper but added questions at the beginning of my paragraphs and in between after my thoughts on a certain quote. I wanted to show my perceptive versus their perspective on certain things in the paper.
  4. For delivering my podcast paper I think I will read from my paper and ask the interview questions throughout the paper to keep the person I am interviewing interested the whole time. I would like to have more of a conversation, but realistically I am not the best at going with the flow and rather having a concrete plan of what I am going to say written out already.
Post for Chen

Post for Chen

In the passage “Unfollow”, by Adrian Chen explains how it is difficult for us to change our beliefs and it takes a major emotional toll on us. Social media has a big influence on us because can change our perspectives. Megan Phelps- Roper’s interactions on social media led her to rethink her beliefs. Phelps- Roper got into an arguments that states, “Arguing is fun when you think you have all the answers, she said. But he was harder to get bead on than other critics she had encountered” (page 79). This shows that she is preaching Gods hate which she is now questioning her relationship with God. When she originally started tweeting she did not care but eventually Roper’s says, “We weren’t supposed to care about what people through about us, but I did “(page 80). She wanted to get the views of the Westboro Church out, but realized that her interaction with social media has changes. This also shows how she is started to step back and take control of actions because she actually cares for the people outside Westboro and does not hate them.

Reflection on Paper 2

Reflection on Paper 2

One strength I feel confident about is my analysis about how people feel excluded in a society because I feel like I do a good job on digging deeper into the meaning on a quote.

One weakness I need to work on is fixing or takin gout unnecessary sentences because sometimes it makes my paper a little confusing. Or taking sentences out that I believe are repetitive because in this paper some of my ideas were repetitive.

I learned from the interview that even though my follow up answers were strong, I could defiantly make it more interactive next time. There were a lot of positive comments and my auto was good so I think I did a good job on the first interview for paper 2.

Post for Jamison

Post for Jamison

In the article “Devils Bait”, by Leslie Jamison I believe that I am being asked to offer support weather you believe a person’s sufferings. She highlights the argument about weather its wrong to have empathy when you can’t trust the suffering of the person. Jamison sates that “Paul’s disease is different because you can see it. You can see every little bit on every one: an archipelago of scabs on a scalp; caked makeup over sores across a chin; blanched spots on tan calves.” (page 232). This goes to show that Morgellons disease a real but some people may believes that others think it’s in their heads, when it is obviously not. I think Jamison uses scientific names for the headings because its gives the narrative structure and more in depth language towards it as well.
