What I Learned
After comparing my intake against the MYPlatePlan food group, it recommended that I should consume 2 cups of fruits, 3 cups of vegetables, 8 ounces of grains, 6.5 ounces of protein, and 3 cups of dairy. In the 2 cups of fruits it recommends that I should consume 1 cup of raw, frozen, or canned and ½ cup of dried fruit or 1 cup of fruit juice. I should consume 1 ounce of seafood, lean meat or 1 egg or 3 tablespoons of peanut butter or ½ cup of beans to get my protein intake. For grains it recommends 1 slice of bread, 1 ounce ready-to-eat cereal, ½ cup rice, pasta, or cereal.For dairy it recommends 1 cup of dairy milk, or yogurt or 1 cup of lactose-free milk or 1.5 ounces of hard cheese .On September 8th I had a banana, but no dried or fruit juice. I had 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and deli turkey for my protein intake.I had 1 cup of carrots. To get my grains in I consumed 1 ounce of cooked brown rice. I consumed a cup of almond milk for dairy today. On September 9th I had more than the recommended amount with 1 cup of spinach,cauliflower and broccoli. I had deli turkey meat and protein powder to supplement my lack of protein. I consumed 1 ounce of brown rice for my grains. For dairy I had 1 cup of lowfat yogurt. And On September 10th I had 1 cup of spinach, tomatoes, and carrots. I had 2 eggs, some deli turkey meat. I had a banana and 1 cup of raspberries for the fruit intake.I consumed 1 ounce of brown rice to get my grains in. I consumed 1 cup of almond milk for dairy.
Ways to improve my diet would be that I would like to consume a bigger variety of protein sources because after doing this dairy I notice that my main protein sources are peanut butter and deli turkey. At night I do not have enough protein to carbohydrate ratio so I would like to dump up my protein intake at dinner. I would also like to consume more bread because for my carbohydrates I tend to lean towards pasta and brown rice so I can get a better variety. I do tend to eat a lot of fruits in vegetables throughout the day and I knew that even before doing this analysis, so by being aware that I eat over the recommended portions for fruits and vegetables it can help me to recognize that I tend to lack in the protein variety. I would like to consume cow’s milk over almond milk because based on my vitamin I am lower in Vitamin D some days, so by drinking cow’s milk that can up my Vitamin D levels.