Learning Outcome 4
Before learning this new approach to peer view I used to just provide more positive comments because I never liked critiquing other people’s work. After learning about global and local revision comments I think this has helped me learn to give advice and look for smaller sentence errors or ways to help people expand on ideas. Sometimes peer editing can be hard for me because I don’t want to give negative feedback but that is the whole point of peer review. As you can see in the first paper I made peer review comments that were not as helpful and I gave more idea comment instead of more helpful global and local revision in the paper. In general I also only had about 6 comments for a three page paper that is not very helpful when editing. I also commented a lot of questions she had in her paper which might have been helpful to take some of the questions out of the paper because there were a lot of questions used as a topic sentence in the paper. As the semester progressed my peer editing has changed a lot and as you can see on Annie’s second paper my comments are in orange and I definitely try to suggest different ways to make sentences flow easier. I included way more global and local revisions that could be helpful way to improve the paper instead of having 6 general suggestions like I did for the first paper. For example, I found the sentence, “It never goes away,” to be important as a stand alone sentence so I suggested, “make it a single phrase because it is important that exclusion will never go away.” This time I felt more comfortable peer reviewing because I was able to provided more of my thoughts instead of struggling to come up with global revisions that could be fixed to better understand the paper. Even though I am more comfortable with peer reviewing I still feel like I struggle in this aspect of writing because I never know if I am actually providing enough useful comments. I do believe that I have grown as a writer from the beginning of the semester and I know have a better perspective on ways to peer review by providing global and local revision comments.